Water in a tank with air plenum - Cannot find patchField entry for inlet

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Joined: Thu Jun 23, 2022 3:17 pm

Water in a tank with air plenum - Cannot find patchField entry for inlet

Post by ondrejch »

Code: Select all

OS: Ubuntu 22.04 LTS (MATE/mate)
Word size of FreeCAD: 64-bit
Version: 0.20.29177 (Git) AppImage
Build type: Release
Branch: (HEAD detached at 0.20)
Hash: 68e337670e227889217652ddac593c93b5e8dc94
Python 3.9.13, Qt 5.12.9, Coin 4.0.0, Vtk 9.1.0, OCC 7.5.3
Locale: English/United States (en_US)
Installed mods: 
  * ProDarkThemePreferencePack 1.0.0
  * A2plus 0.4.56a
  * CfdOF 1.17.0
Dear all, I would like to model a water flow from inlet to outlet in a tank with an air plenum. Below is a script which builds the case, writes mesh and OpenFOAM cases. If I try to run it, it crashes with "Cannot find patchField entry for inlet".

Python script to setup the case, and the FreeCAD file, are both attached. Thank you for any help.

Code: Select all

08:42:58  Exporting mesh refinement data ...
08:42:58  Matching boundary patches
08:42:58  Matching mesh refinement regions
08:42:58  Exporting the part surfaces ...
08:42:58  Triangulating part InnerTank, patch patch_1_0
08:42:58  Triangulating part InnerTank, patch patch_2_0
08:42:58  Triangulating part InnerTank, patch patch_3_0
08:42:58  Triangulating part InnerTank, patch patch_4_0
08:42:58  Populating mesh dictionaries in folder /tmp/meshCase
08:42:59  Successfully wrote meshCase to folder /tmp/meshCase
08:42:59  Wrote mesh case to /tmp/meshCase
08:42:59  Writing case to folder /tmp
08:43:00  Matching boundary conditions ...
08:43:00  Successfully wrote case to folder /tmp
08:54:32  Exporting mesh refinement data ...
08:54:32  Matching boundary patches
08:54:32  Matching mesh refinement regions
08:54:32  Exporting the part surfaces ...
08:54:32  Triangulating part InnerTank, patch patch_1_0
08:54:32  Triangulating part InnerTank, patch patch_2_0
08:54:32  Triangulating part InnerTank, patch patch_3_0
08:54:32  Triangulating part InnerTank, patch patch_4_0
08:54:32  Populating mesh dictionaries in folder /tmp/meshCase
08:54:32  Successfully wrote meshCase to folder /tmp/meshCase
08:54:32  Wrote mesh case to /tmp/meshCase
08:54:32  Writing case to folder /tmp
08:54:33  Matching boundary conditions ...
08:54:33  Successfully wrote case to folder /tmp
09:49:54  Exporting mesh refinement data ...
09:49:54  Matching boundary patches
09:49:54  Matching mesh refinement regions
09:49:54  Exporting the part surfaces ...
09:49:54  Triangulating part InnerTank, patch patch_1_0
09:49:54  Triangulating part InnerTank, patch patch_2_0
09:49:54  Triangulating part InnerTank, patch patch_3_0
09:49:54  Triangulating part InnerTank, patch patch_4_0
09:49:54  Populating mesh dictionaries in folder /tmp/meshCase
09:49:55  Successfully wrote meshCase to folder /tmp/meshCase
09:49:55  Wrote mesh case to /tmp/meshCase
09:49:55  Writing case to folder /tmp
09:49:55  Matching boundary conditions ...
09:49:55  Successfully wrote case to folder /tmp
09:51:16  Writing case to folder /tmp
09:51:16  Successfully wrote stl surface
09:51:16  Successfully wrote stl surface
09:51:16  Matching boundary conditions ...
09:51:16  Writing case to folder /tmp
09:51:17  Successfully wrote stl surface
09:51:17  Successfully wrote stl surface
09:51:17  Matching boundary conditions ...
09:51:17  Populating createPatchDict to update BC names
09:51:17  Successfully wrote case to folder /tmp
09:51:17  Populating createPatchDict to update BC names
09:51:17  Successfully wrote case to folder /tmp
09:51:20  Executing: bash -c cd "/tmp/meshCase" && ./Allmesh\n/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
| =========                 |                                                 |
| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  2112                                  |
|   \\  /    A nd           | Website:  www.openfoam.com                      |
|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
Build  : _6e1fca0e-20220610 OPENFOAM=2112 patch=220610 version=2112
Arch   : "LSB;label=32;scalar=64"
Exec   : surfaceFeatureEdges -angle 60 constant/triSurface/InnerTank_Geometry.stl InnerTank_Geometry.fms
Date   : Jun 27 2022
Time   : 09:51:20
Host   : owl
PID    : 1568887
I/O    : uncollated
Case   : /tmp/meshCase
nProcs : 1
trapFpe: Floating point exception trapping enabled (FOAM_SIGFPE).
09:51:20  fileModificationChecking : Monitoring run-time modified files using timeStampMaster (fileModificationSkew 5, maxFileModificationPolls 20)
allowSystemOperations : Allowing user-supplied system call operations

// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
Writing : "InnerTank_Geometry.fms"
09:51:20  End

09:51:20  /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
| =========                 |                                                 |
| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  2112                                  |
|   \\  /    A nd           | Website:  www.openfoam.com                      |
|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
Build  : _6e1fca0e-20220610 OPENFOAM=2112 patch=220610 version=2112
Arch   : "LSB;label=32;scalar=64"
Exec   : cartesianMesh
Date   : Jun 27 2022
Time   : 09:51:20
Host   : owl
PID    : 1569036
I/O    : uncollated
Case   : /tmp/meshCase
nProcs : 1
trapFpe: Floating point exception trapping enabled (FOAM_SIGFPE).
fileModificationChecking : Monitoring run-time modified files using timeStampMaster (fileModificationSkew 5, maxFileModificationPolls 20)
allowSystemOperations : Allowing user-supplied system call operations

// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
Create time

09:51:20  Created 14 surface patches
09:51:20  Setting root cube size and refinement parameters
Root box (-0.515 -0.64 -0.4622835) (0.765 0.64 0.8177165)
Requested cell size corresponds to octree level 8
Requested boundary cell size corresponds to octree level 8
Refining boundary
Refining boundary boxes to the given size
09:51:20  Finished refining boundary boxes
09:51:21  Performing automatic refinement
Performing automatic refinement
Marking inside/outside.
09:51:21  Number of internal boxes is 23588
Number of outside boxes is 28478
Number of data boxes is 17172
Number of unknown boxes is 0
09:51:21  Refining boxes near DATA boxes
09:51:21  Marking inside/outside.
09:51:21  Number of internal boxes is 131304
09:51:21  Number of outside boxes is 28478
Number of data boxes is 17172
Number of unknown boxes is 0
Finished refining boxes near DATA boxes
Extracting polyMesh
Creating octree vertices
09:51:21  Octree nodes 152364
Resizing points!
09:51:21  Finished creating octree vertices
Creating polyMesh from octree
09:51:21  Reordering boundary faces 
09:51:21  Finished reordering boundary faces
Finished creating polyMesh
09:51:21  Mesh has :
135705 vertices 
385237 faces
124900 cells
Finished extracting polyMesh
Checking for irregular surface connections
Checking cells connected to surface vertices
Found 21074 boundary faces 
09:51:21  Found 0 problematic vertices
09:51:21  Finished checking cells connected to surface vertices
Checking for non - manifold surface edges
09:51:21  Found 0 non - manifold edges
Finished checking for non - manifold surface edges
Checking faces connections to surface vertices
Found 0 invalid connections
Finished checking faces connections to surface vertices
Finished checking for irregular surface connections
09:51:21  Found 21074 boundary faces 
09:51:21  Found 0 non - mappable cells
Checking cell connections
09:51:21  Finished checking cell connections
Found 21074 boundary faces 
09:51:21  Marked 0 faces for decomposition
09:51:21  Found 21074 boundary faces 
Smoothing mesh surface before mapping.
09:51:21  Found 0 corners at the surface of the volume mesh
Found 0 edge points at the surface of the volume mesh
Starting untangling the surface of the volume mesh
09:51:22  Number of inverted boundary faces is 0
Finished untangling the surface of the volume mesh
09:51:22  Found 0 corners at the surface of the volume mesh
09:51:22  Found 0 edge points at the surface of the volume mesh
Starting untangling the surface of the volume mesh
09:51:22  Number of inverted boundary faces is 1
09:51:22  Number of inverted boundary faces is 0
09:51:22  Finished untangling the surface of the volume mesh
09:51:22  Found 0 corners at the surface of the volume mesh
09:51:22  Found 0 edge points at the surface of the volume mesh
Starting untangling the surface of the volume mesh
09:51:22  Number of inverted boundary faces is 1
09:51:22  Number of inverted boundary faces is 0
Finished untangling the surface of the volume mesh
09:51:23  Finished smoothing mesh surface before mapping.
09:51:23  Mapping vertices onto surface
09:51:23  Finished mapping vertices onto surface
09:51:23  Found 0 corners at the surface of the volume mesh
Found 0 edge points at the surface of the volume mesh
Starting untangling the surface of the volume mesh
09:51:23  Number of inverted boundary faces is 48
09:51:23  Number of inverted boundary faces is 0
09:51:23  Finished untangling the surface of the volume mesh
Found 21074 boundary faces 
09:51:23  Extracting edges
09:51:23  Starting topological adjustment of patches
09:51:23  Finished topological adjustment of patches
Starting geometrical adjustment of patches
09:51:23  Found 12 corners at the surface of the volume mesh
Found 566 edge points at the surface of the volume mesh
09:51:23  23 edge groups found!
09:51:23  --> FOAM Warning : 
    From bool Foam::Module::edgeExtractor::checkFacePatchesGeometry()
    in file utilities/surfaceTools/edgeExtraction/edgeExtractor/edgeExtractor.C at line 2142
    Found 20 points with inverted surface normals. Getting rid of them...
09:51:23  Starting untangling the surface of the volume mesh
09:51:23  Number of inverted boundary faces is 20
09:51:23  Number of inverted boundary faces is 14
09:51:24  Number of inverted boundary faces is 12
09:51:24  Number of inverted boundary faces is 12
09:51:24  Number of inverted boundary faces is 13
09:51:25  Smoothing remaining inverted vertices 
09:51:25  Number of inverted boundary faces is 1
09:51:25  Number of inverted boundary faces is 0
09:51:25  Finished untangling the surface of the volume mesh
09:51:25  Found 12 corners at the surface of the volume mesh
Found 568 edge points at the surface of the volume mesh
09:51:25  23 edge groups found!
09:51:25  --> FOAM Warning : 
    From bool Foam::Module::edgeExtractor::checkFacePatchesGeometry()
    in file utilities/surfaceTools/edgeExtraction/edgeExtractor/edgeExtractor.C at line 2142
09:51:25      Found 5 points with inverted surface normals. Getting rid of them...
Starting untangling the surface of the volume mesh
09:51:25  Number of inverted boundary faces is 5
09:51:25  Number of inverted boundary faces is 3
09:51:26  Number of inverted boundary faces is 3
09:51:26  Number of inverted boundary faces is 3
09:51:26  Smoothing remaining inverted vertices 
09:51:27  Number of inverted boundary faces is 4
09:51:27  Number of inverted boundary faces is 0
09:51:27  Finished untangling the surface of the volume mesh
09:51:27  Finished geometrical adjustment of patches
09:51:27  Found 21074 boundary faces 
09:51:27  Found 12 corners at the surface of the volume mesh
Found 568 edge points at the surface of the volume mesh
09:51:27  Decomposing 42 internal faces
09:51:27  Performing patch correction
Found 21074 boundary faces 
09:51:27  Found 12 corners at the surface of the volume mesh
Found 568 edge points at the surface of the volume mesh
09:51:27  Finished with patch correction
09:51:27  Found 21209 boundary faces 
09:51:27  Removing selected cells from the mesh
New cells size 124734
Reordering boundary faces 
09:51:27  Finished reordering boundary faces
09:51:27  Removing faces
09:51:27  Finished removing faces
Finished removing selected cells from the mesh
Adding new cells 
Adding 1383 cells to the mesh
09:51:27  Finished adding cells to the mesh
Reordering bnd faces
Reordering boundary faces 
09:51:27  Finished reordering boundary faces
Finding bnd faces
09:51:27  Found 21209 boundary faces 
09:51:27  Mapping vertices with respect to surface patches
09:51:27  Found 12 corners at the surface of the volume mesh
Found 568 edge points at the surface of the volume mesh
09:51:27  23 edge groups found!
09:51:27  Finished mapping vertices with respect to surface patches
09:51:27  Found 21209 boundary faces 
09:51:27  Found 12 corners at the surface of the volume mesh
Found 568 edge points at the surface of the volume mesh
09:51:27  Optimizing edges. Iteration:.....
09:51:28  Optimizing surface vertices. Iteration:.....
09:51:29  Starting untangling the surface of the volume mesh
09:51:29  Number of inverted boundary faces is 2
09:51:29  Number of inverted boundary faces is 1
09:51:29  Number of inverted boundary faces is 1
09:51:29  Number of inverted boundary faces is 1
09:51:30  Smoothing remaining inverted vertices 
09:51:30  Number of inverted boundary faces is 1
09:51:30  Number of inverted boundary faces is 1
09:51:30  Number of inverted boundary faces is 1
09:51:30  Smoothing remaining inverted vertices 
09:51:30  Number of inverted boundary faces is 1
09:51:31  Number of inverted boundary faces is 1
09:51:31  Number of inverted boundary faces is 1
09:51:31  Smoothing remaining inverted vertices 
09:51:31  Number of inverted boundary faces is 1
09:51:31  Number of inverted boundary faces is 1
09:51:32  Number of inverted boundary faces is 1
09:51:32  Smoothing remaining inverted vertices 
09:51:32  Number of inverted boundary faces is 1
09:51:32  Number of inverted boundary faces is 1
09:51:33  Number of inverted boundary faces is 1
09:51:33  Smoothing remaining inverted vertices 
09:51:33  Number of inverted boundary faces is 1
09:51:33  Number of inverted boundary faces is 1
09:51:33  Number of inverted boundary faces is 1
09:51:34  Smoothing remaining inverted vertices 
09:51:34  Number of inverted boundary faces is 1
09:51:34  Number of inverted boundary faces is 1
09:51:34  Number of inverted boundary faces is 1
09:51:34  Smoothing remaining inverted vertices 
09:51:35  Number of inverted boundary faces is 1
09:51:35  Number of inverted boundary faces is 1
09:51:35  Number of inverted boundary faces is 1
09:51:35  Smoothing remaining inverted vertices 
09:51:35  Number of inverted boundary faces is 1
09:51:35  Number of inverted boundary faces is 1
09:51:36  Number of inverted boundary faces is 1
09:51:36  Smoothing remaining inverted vertices 
09:51:36  Number of inverted boundary faces is 1
09:51:36  Number of inverted boundary faces is 1
09:51:36  Number of inverted boundary faces is 1
09:51:36  Smoothing remaining inverted vertices 
09:51:36  Finished untangling the surface of the volume mesh
09:51:37  Found 21209 boundary faces 
Found 12 corners at the surface of the volume mesh
Found 568 edge points at the surface of the volume mesh
Found 12 corners at the surface of the volume mesh
Found 568 edge points at the surface of the volume mesh
09:51:37  Starting creating layer cells
09:51:37  Adding 21631 cells to the mesh
09:51:37  Finished adding cells to the mesh
Reordering boundary faces 
09:51:37  Finished reordering boundary faces
09:51:37  Finished creating layer cells
Found 22055 boundary faces 
Found 12 corners at the surface of the volume mesh
Found 578 edge points at the surface of the volume mesh
09:51:37  Optimizing edges. Iteration:.....
09:51:37  Optimizing surface vertices. Iteration:.....
09:51:38  Starting untangling the surface of the volume mesh
09:51:38  Number of inverted boundary faces is 1
09:51:38  Number of inverted boundary faces is 1
09:51:38  Number of inverted boundary faces is 1
09:51:39  Smoothing remaining inverted vertices 
09:51:39  Number of inverted boundary faces is 1
09:51:39  Number of inverted boundary faces is 1
09:51:39  Number of inverted boundary faces is 1
09:51:40  Smoothing remaining inverted vertices 
09:51:40  Number of inverted boundary faces is 1
09:51:40  Number of inverted boundary faces is 1
09:51:40  Number of inverted boundary faces is 1
09:51:40  Smoothing remaining inverted vertices 
09:51:40  Number of inverted boundary faces is 1
09:51:41  Number of inverted boundary faces is 1
09:51:41  Number of inverted boundary faces is 1
09:51:41  Smoothing remaining inverted vertices 
09:51:41  Number of inverted boundary faces is 1
09:51:41  Number of inverted boundary faces is 1
09:51:42  Number of inverted boundary faces is 1
09:51:42  Smoothing remaining inverted vertices 
09:51:42  Number of inverted boundary faces is 1
09:51:42  Number of inverted boundary faces is 1
09:51:43  Number of inverted boundary faces is 1
09:51:43  Smoothing remaining inverted vertices 
09:51:43  Number of inverted boundary faces is 1
09:51:43  Number of inverted boundary faces is 1
09:51:43  Number of inverted boundary faces is 1
09:51:44  Smoothing remaining inverted vertices 
09:51:44  Number of inverted boundary faces is 1
09:51:44  Number of inverted boundary faces is 1
09:51:44  Number of inverted boundary faces is 1
09:51:44  Smoothing remaining inverted vertices 
09:51:44  Number of inverted boundary faces is 1
09:51:44  Number of inverted boundary faces is 1
09:51:45  Number of inverted boundary faces is 1
09:51:45  Smoothing remaining inverted vertices 
09:51:45  Number of inverted boundary faces is 1
09:51:45  Number of inverted boundary faces is 1
09:51:45  Number of inverted boundary faces is 1
09:51:46  Smoothing remaining inverted vertices 
09:51:46  Finished untangling the surface of the volume mesh
09:51:46  Found 22055 boundary faces 
09:51:46  Found 12 corners at the surface of the volume mesh
Found 578 edge points at the surface of the volume mesh
Starting smoothing the mesh
09:51:46  Starting untangling the mesh
09:51:46  --> FOAM Warning : 
    From bool Foam::Module::polyMeshGenChecks::checkFaceFlatness(const Foam::Module::polyMeshGen&, bool, Foam::scalar, Foam::labelHashSet*, const boolList*)
    in file utilities/meshes/polyMeshGenChecks/polyMeshGenChecksGeometry.C at line 3008
09:51:46      2 faces with severe warpage(flatness < 0.8) found.

09:51:46  --> FOAM Warning : 
    From bool Foam::Module::polyMeshGenChecks::checkCellPartTetrahedra(const Foam::Module::polyMeshGen&, bool, Foam::scalar, Foam::labelHashSet*, const boolList*)
    in file utilities/meshes/polyMeshGenChecks/polyMeshGenChecksGeometry.C at line 1586
    3 zero or negative part tetrahedra detected.
09:51:46  Iteration 0. Number of bad faces is 4
09:51:46  --> FOAM Warning : 
    From bool Foam::Module::polyMeshGenChecks::checkFaceFlatness(const Foam::Module::polyMeshGen&, bool, Foam::scalar, Foam::labelHashSet*, const boolList*)
    in file utilities/meshes/polyMeshGenChecks/polyMeshGenChecksGeometry.C at line 3008
09:51:47      2 faces with severe warpage(flatness < 0.8) found.

09:51:47  Iteration 1. Number of bad faces is 2
09:51:47  --> FOAM Warning : 
    From bool Foam::Module::polyMeshGenChecks::checkFaceFlatness(const Foam::Module::polyMeshGen&, bool, Foam::scalar, Foam::labelHashSet*, const boolList*)
    in file utilities/meshes/polyMeshGenChecks/polyMeshGenChecksGeometry.C at line 3008
09:51:47      2 faces with severe warpage(flatness < 0.8) found.

09:51:47  Iteration 2. Number of bad faces is 2
09:51:47  --> FOAM Warning : 
    From bool Foam::Module::polyMeshGenChecks::checkFaceFlatness(const Foam::Module::polyMeshGen&, bool, Foam::scalar, Foam::labelHashSet*, const boolList*)
    in file utilities/meshes/polyMeshGenChecks/polyMeshGenChecksGeometry.C at line 3008
    2 faces with severe warpage(flatness < 0.8) found.

09:51:47  Iteration 3. Number of bad faces is 2
09:51:47  --> FOAM Warning : 
    From bool Foam::Module::polyMeshGenChecks::checkFaceFlatness(const Foam::Module::polyMeshGen&, bool, Foam::scalar, Foam::labelHashSet*, const boolList*)
    in file utilities/meshes/polyMeshGenChecks/polyMeshGenChecksGeometry.C at line 3008
    2 faces with severe warpage(flatness < 0.8) found.

09:51:48  Iteration 4. Number of bad faces is 2
09:51:48  --> FOAM Warning : 
    From bool Foam::Module::polyMeshGenChecks::checkFaceFlatness(const Foam::Module::polyMeshGen&, bool, Foam::scalar, Foam::labelHashSet*, const boolList*)
    in file utilities/meshes/polyMeshGenChecks/polyMeshGenChecksGeometry.C at line 3008
09:51:48      2 faces with severe warpage(flatness < 0.8) found.

09:51:48  Iteration 5. Number of bad faces is 2
09:51:48  --> FOAM Warning : 
    From bool Foam::Module::polyMeshGenChecks::checkFaceFlatness(const Foam::Module::polyMeshGen&, bool, Foam::scalar, Foam::labelHashSet*, const boolList*)
    in file utilities/meshes/polyMeshGenChecks/polyMeshGenChecksGeometry.C at line 3008
09:51:49      2 faces with severe warpage(flatness < 0.8) found.

09:51:49  Iteration 6. Number of bad faces is 2
09:51:49  --> FOAM Warning : 
    From bool Foam::Module::polyMeshGenChecks::checkFaceFlatness(const Foam::Module::polyMeshGen&, bool, Foam::scalar, Foam::labelHashSet*, const boolList*)
    in file utilities/meshes/polyMeshGenChecks/polyMeshGenChecksGeometry.C at line 3008
09:51:49      2 faces with severe warpage(flatness < 0.8) found.

Iteration 1. Number of bad faces is 2
09:51:49  Iteration 2. Number of bad faces is 0
09:51:49  Finished untangling the mesh
Finished smoothing the mesh
09:51:49  Iteration 0. Number of bad faces is 0
09:51:49  Starting untangling the mesh
09:51:49  Iteration 0. Number of bad faces is 0
09:51:49  Finished untangling the mesh
09:51:49  Renumbering the mesh
09:51:49  Finished renumbering the mesh
09:51:49  Renaming boundary patches
09:51:49  Finished renaming boundary patches
09:51:49  ExecutionTime = 980.36 s  ClockTime = 30 s


09:51:50  /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
| =========                 |                                                 |
| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  2112                                  |
|   \\  /    A nd           | Website:  www.openfoam.com                      |
|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
Build  : _6e1fca0e-20220610 OPENFOAM=2112 patch=220610 version=2112
Arch   : "LSB;label=32;scalar=64"
Exec   : surfaceMeshExtract mesh_outside.stl
Date   : Jun 27 2022
Time   : 09:51:50
Host   : owl
PID    : 1572209
I/O    : uncollated
Case   : /tmp/meshCase
nProcs : 1
trapFpe: Floating point exception trapping enabled (FOAM_SIGFPE).
fileModificationChecking : Monitoring run-time modified files using timeStampMaster (fileModificationSkew 5, maxFileModificationPolls 20)
allowSystemOperations : Allowing user-supplied system call operations

// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
Create time

09:51:50  Extracting surface from boundaryMesh ...

Including all processor patches.

Reading mesh from time 0
09:51:50  Create polyMesh for time = 0

--> FOAM Warning : 
    From static Foam::instantList Foam::timeSelector::select0(Foam::Time&, const Foam::argList&)
    in file db/Time/timeSelector.C at line 252
    No time specified or available, selecting 'constant'
09:51:50  Time [0] = constant
surfZone 0 : patch_3_0
surfZone 1 : patch_4_0
surfZone 2 : patch_2_0
surfZone 3 : patch_1_0
Writing merged surface to "/tmp/meshCase/mesh_outside.stl"
09:51:50  End

09:51:50  /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
| =========                 |                                                 |
| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  2112                                  |
|   \\  /    A nd           | Website:  www.openfoam.com                      |
|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
Build  : _6e1fca0e-20220610 OPENFOAM=2112 patch=220610 version=2112
Arch   : "LSB;label=32;scalar=64"
Exec   : surfaceTransformPoints -write-scale (1000 1000 1000) mesh_outside.stl mesh_outside.stl
Date   : Jun 27 2022
Time   : 09:51:50
Host   : owl
PID    : 1572216
I/O    : uncollated
Case   : /tmp/meshCase
nProcs : 1
trapFpe: Floating point exception trapping enabled (FOAM_SIGFPE).
09:51:50  fileModificationChecking : Monitoring run-time modified files using timeStampMaster (fileModificationSkew 5, maxFileModificationPolls 20)
allowSystemOperations : Allowing user-supplied system call operations

// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
Reading surf from "mesh_outside.stl" ...
Writing surf to "mesh_outside.stl" ...
09:51:50  Scaling points uniformly by 1000

09:51:51  Solver run command: bash -c cd "/tmp/case" && ./Allrun
09:51:52  bash -c cd "/tmp/case" && ./Allrun\n/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
| =========                 |                                                 |
| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  2112                                  |
|   \\  /    A nd           | Website:  www.openfoam.com                      |
|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
Build  : _6e1fca0e-20220610 OPENFOAM=2112 patch=220610 version=2112
Arch   : "LSB;label=32;scalar=64"
Exec   : createPatch -overwrite
Date   : Jun 27 2022
Time   : 09:51:52
Host   : owl
PID    : 1572636
I/O    : uncollated
Case   : /tmp/case
nProcs : 1
trapFpe: Floating point exception trapping enabled (FOAM_SIGFPE).
09:51:52  fileModificationChecking : Monitoring run-time modified files using timeStampMaster (fileModificationSkew 5, maxFileModificationPolls 20)
allowSystemOperations : Allowing user-supplied system call operations

// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
Create time

09:51:52  Create polyMesh for time = 0

Reading "system/createPatchDict"

Adding new patch inlet as patch 4 from 
    type            patch;

Adding new patch outlet as patch 5 from 
    type            patch;

Adding new patch tanktop as patch 6 from 
    type            patch;

Adding new patch wall as patch 7 from 
    type            wall;

09:51:52  Adding new patch defaultFaces as patch 8 from 
    type            patch;

09:51:52  Moving faces from patch patch_1_0 to patch 4
Moving faces from patch patch_2_0 to patch 5
Moving faces from patch patch_3_0 to patch 6
Moving faces from patch patch_4_0 to patch 7
09:51:52  --> FOAM Warning : 
    From void Foam::polyBoundaryMesh::calcGroupIDs() const
    in file meshes/polyMesh/polyBoundaryMesh/polyBoundaryMesh.C at line 100
    Removed group 'wall' which clashes with patch 7 of the same name.
--> FOAM Warning : 
    From Foam::labelHashSet Foam::polyBoundaryMesh::patchSet(const Foam::UList<Foam::wordRe>&, bool, bool) const
    in file meshes/polyMesh/polyBoundaryMesh/polyBoundaryMesh.C at line 915
    Cannot find any patch or group names matching patch_0_0

Doing topology modification to order faces.

09:51:52  Not synchronising points.

Removing patches with no faces in them.

Removing zero-sized patch patch_1_0 type wall at position 0
Removing zero-sized patch patch_2_0 type wall at position 1
Removing zero-sized patch patch_3_0 type wall at position 2
Removing zero-sized patch patch_4_0 type wall at position 3
Removing patches.
09:51:52  Writing repatched mesh to 0

09:51:52  End

09:51:53  /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
| =========                 |                                                 |
| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  2112                                  |
|   \\  /    A nd           | Website:  www.openfoam.com                      |
|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
Build  : _6e1fca0e-20220610 OPENFOAM=2112 patch=220610 version=2112
Arch   : "LSB;label=32;scalar=64"
Exec   : topoSet -dict system/topoSetZonesDict
Date   : Jun 27 2022
Time   : 09:51:53
Host   : owl
PID    : 1572643
I/O    : uncollated
Case   : /tmp/case
nProcs : 1
trapFpe: Floating point exception trapping enabled (FOAM_SIGFPE).
fileModificationChecking : Monitoring run-time modified files using timeStampMaster (fileModificationSkew 5, maxFileModificationPolls 20)
allowSystemOperations : Allowing user-supplied system call operations

// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
Create time

09:51:53  Create polyMesh for time = 0

Reading topoSetZonesDict

09:51:53  Time = 0
    mesh not changed.
Created cellSet InitMyWaWaterSelectedSurface
    Applying source surfaceToCell
    Adding cells in relation to surface "constant/triSurface/InitMyWaWater.stl" ...
09:51:53      Marked inside/outside using surface orientation in = 0.18 s

09:51:53      cellSet InitMyWaWaterSelectedSurface now size 80528
09:51:53  Created cellZoneSet InitMyWaWater
    Applying source setToCellZone
    Adding all cells from cellSet InitMyWaWaterSelectedSurface ...
09:51:53      cellZoneSet InitMyWaWater now size 80528
09:51:54  Created cellSet AirPlenumSelectedSurface
    Applying source surfaceToCell
    Adding cells in relation to surface "constant/triSurface/AirPlenum.stl" ...
09:51:54      Marked inside/outside using surface orientation in = 0.05 s

09:51:54      cellSet AirPlenumSelectedSurface now size 67220
Created cellZoneSet AirPlenum
    Applying source setToCellZone
    Adding all cells from cellSet AirPlenumSelectedSurface ...
09:51:54      cellZoneSet AirPlenum now size 67220

09:51:54  /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
| =========                 |                                                 |
| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  2112                                  |
|   \\  /    A nd           | Website:  www.openfoam.com                      |
|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
Build  : _6e1fca0e-20220610 OPENFOAM=2112 patch=220610 version=2112
Arch   : "LSB;label=32;scalar=64"
Exec   : setFields
Date   : Jun 27 2022
Time   : 09:51:54
Host   : owl
PID    : 1572650
I/O    : uncollated
Case   : /tmp/case
nProcs : 1
trapFpe: Floating point exception trapping enabled (FOAM_SIGFPE).
fileModificationChecking : Monitoring run-time modified files using timeStampMaster (fileModificationSkew 5, maxFileModificationPolls 20)
allowSystemOperations : Allowing user-supplied system call operations

// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
Create time

09:51:54  Create mesh for time = 0

Reading setFieldsDict

Setting field default values

Setting field region values
09:51:54      Adding all elements of cellSet (InitMyWaWater)
    Setting internal values of volScalarField p_rgh
09:51:54      Setting internal values of volVectorField U

--> FOAM FATAL IO ERROR: (openfoam-2112 patch=220610)
Cannot find patchField entry for inlet

file: 0/U.boundaryField at line 28.

    From void Foam::GeometricField<Type, PatchField, GeoMesh>::Boundary::readField(const Foam::DimensionedField<TypeR, GeoMesh>&, const Foam::dictionary&) [with Type = Foam::Vector<double>; PatchField = Foam::fvPatchField; GeoMesh = Foam::volMesh]
    in file ./src/OpenFOAM/lnInclude/GeometricBoundaryField.C at line 172.

FOAM exiting

09:51:54  Writing case to folder /tmp
09:56:04  Successfully wrote stl surface
09:56:04  Successfully wrote stl surface
09:56:04  Matching boundary conditions ...
09:56:05  Populating createPatchDict to update BC names
09:56:05  Successfully wrote case to folder /tmp
09:56:06  Solver run command: bash -c cd "/tmp/case" && ./Allrun
09:56:06  bash -c cd "/tmp/case" && ./Allrun\nCfdConsoleProcess running command: ['bash', '-c', 'cd "/tmp/case" && ./Allrun']
09:56:06  /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
| =========                 |                                                 |
| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  2112                                  |
|   \\  /    A nd           | Website:  www.openfoam.com                      |
|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
Build  : _6e1fca0e-20220610 OPENFOAM=2112 patch=220610 version=2112
Arch   : "LSB;label=32;scalar=64"
Exec   : createPatch -overwrite
Date   : Jun 27 2022
Time   : 09:56:06
Host   : owl
PID    : 1573725
I/O    : uncollated
Case   : /tmp/case
nProcs : 1
trapFpe: Floating point exception trapping enabled (FOAM_SIGFPE).
fileModificationChecking : Monitoring run-time modified files using timeStampMaster (fileModificationSkew 5, maxFileModificationPolls 20)
allowSystemOperations : Allowing user-supplied system call operations

// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
Create time

09:56:06  Create polyMesh for time = 0

Reading "system/createPatchDict"

Adding new patch inlet as patch 4 from 
    type            patch;

Adding new patch outlet as patch 5 from 
    type            patch;

Adding new patch tanktop as patch 6 from 
    type            patch;

Adding new patch wall as patch 7 from 
    type            wall;

Adding new patch defaultFaces as patch 8 from 
    type            patch;

09:56:07  Moving faces from patch patch_1_0 to patch 4
Moving faces from patch patch_2_0 to patch 5
Moving faces from patch patch_3_0 to patch 6
Moving faces from patch patch_4_0 to patch 7
--> FOAM Warning : 
    From void Foam::polyBoundaryMesh::calcGroupIDs() const
    in file meshes/polyMesh/polyBoundaryMesh/polyBoundaryMesh.C at line 100
    Removed group 'wall' which clashes with patch 7 of the same name.
--> FOAM Warning : 
    From Foam::labelHashSet Foam::polyBoundaryMesh::patchSet(const Foam::UList<Foam::wordRe>&, bool, bool) const
    in file meshes/polyMesh/polyBoundaryMesh/polyBoundaryMesh.C at line 915
    Cannot find any patch or group names matching patch_0_0

Doing topology modification to order faces.

09:56:07  Not synchronising points.

Removing patches with no faces in them.

Removing zero-sized patch patch_1_0 type wall at position 0
Removing zero-sized patch patch_2_0 type wall at position 1
Removing zero-sized patch patch_3_0 type wall at position 2
Removing zero-sized patch patch_4_0 type wall at position 3
Removing patches.
09:56:07  Writing repatched mesh to 0

09:56:07  End

09:56:07  /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
| =========                 |                                                 |
| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  2112                                  |
|   \\  /    A nd           | Website:  www.openfoam.com                      |
|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
Build  : _6e1fca0e-20220610 OPENFOAM=2112 patch=220610 version=2112
Arch   : "LSB;label=32;scalar=64"
Exec   : topoSet -dict system/topoSetZonesDict
Date   : Jun 27 2022
Time   : 09:56:07
Host   : owl
PID    : 1573734
I/O    : uncollated
Case   : /tmp/case
nProcs : 1
trapFpe: Floating point exception trapping enabled (FOAM_SIGFPE).
fileModificationChecking : Monitoring run-time modified files using timeStampMaster (fileModificationSkew 5, maxFileModificationPolls 20)
allowSystemOperations : Allowing user-supplied system call operations

// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
Create time

09:56:08  Create polyMesh for time = 0

Reading topoSetZonesDict

09:56:08  Time = 0
    mesh not changed.
Created cellSet InitMyWaWaterSelectedSurface
    Applying source surfaceToCell
09:56:08      Adding cells in relation to surface "constant/triSurface/InitMyWaWater.stl" ...
09:56:08      Marked inside/outside using surface orientation in = 0.17 s

09:56:08      cellSet InitMyWaWaterSelectedSurface now size 80528
09:56:08  Created cellZoneSet InitMyWaWater
    Applying source setToCellZone
09:56:08      Adding all cells from cellSet InitMyWaWaterSelectedSurface ...
09:56:08      cellZoneSet InitMyWaWater now size 80528
09:56:08  Created cellSet AirPlenumSelectedSurface
    Applying source surfaceToCell
09:56:08      Adding cells in relation to surface "constant/triSurface/AirPlenum.stl" ...
09:56:08      Marked inside/outside using surface orientation in = 0.05 s

09:56:08      cellSet AirPlenumSelectedSurface now size 67220
09:56:08  Created cellZoneSet AirPlenum
    Applying source setToCellZone
    Adding all cells from cellSet AirPlenumSelectedSurface ...
09:56:08      cellZoneSet AirPlenum now size 67220

09:56:08  /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
| =========                 |                                                 |
| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  2112                                  |
|   \\  /    A nd           | Website:  www.openfoam.com                      |
|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
Build  : _6e1fca0e-20220610 OPENFOAM=2112 patch=220610 version=2112
Arch   : "LSB;label=32;scalar=64"
Exec   : setFields
Date   : Jun 27 2022
Time   : 09:56:08
Host   : owl
PID    : 1573741
I/O    : uncollated
Case   : /tmp/case
nProcs : 1
trapFpe: Floating point exception trapping enabled (FOAM_SIGFPE).
fileModificationChecking : Monitoring run-time modified files using timeStampMaster (fileModificationSkew 5, maxFileModificationPolls 20)
allowSystemOperations : Allowing user-supplied system call operations

// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
Create time

09:56:08  Create mesh for time = 0

Reading setFieldsDict

Setting field default values

Setting field region values
09:56:09      Adding all elements of cellSet (InitMyWaWater)
    Setting internal values of volScalarField p_rgh
09:56:09      Setting internal values of volVectorField U

--> FOAM FATAL IO ERROR: (openfoam-2112 patch=220610)
Cannot find patchField entry for inlet

file: 0/U.boundaryField at line 28.

    From void Foam::GeometricField<Type, PatchField, GeoMesh>::Boundary::readField(const Foam::DimensionedField<TypeR, GeoMesh>&, const Foam::dictionary&) [with Type = Foam::Vector<double>; PatchField = Foam::fvPatchField; GeoMesh = Foam::volMesh]
    in file ./src/OpenFOAM/lnInclude/GeometricBoundaryField.C at line 172.

FOAM exiting

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Joined: Fri Dec 23, 2016 9:43 am
Location: South Africa

Re: Water in a tank with air plenum - Cannot find patchField entry for inlet

Post by oliveroxtoby »

ondrejch wrote: Mon Jun 27, 2022 2:05 pm Dear all, I would like to model a water flow from inlet to outlet in a tank with an air plenum. Below is a script which builds the case, writes mesh and OpenFOAM cases. If I try to run it, it crashes with "Cannot find patchField entry for inlet".

Python script to setup the case, and the FreeCAD file, are both attached. Thank you for any help.
Try changing the line
cfdInlet.BoundarySubType = 'fixedWall'
cfdInlet.BoundarySubType = 'uniformVelocityInlet'
Posts: 5
Joined: Thu Jun 23, 2022 3:17 pm

Re: Water in a tank with air plenum - Cannot find patchField entry for inlet

Post by ondrejch »

Thank you, that worked! I am still trying to make heads and tails out of this...
Post Reply